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Monday, October 31, 2011

Introduction of B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS)

B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS) was established on January 18, 1993 and subsequently upgraded as an Autonomous Health Sciences University on October 28, 1998 with a mandate to work towards developing socially responsible and competent health work force, providing health care and engaging in health research. The Institute is located in Eastern Nepal & it has extended its continued health services through teaching district concept to Primary Health Care Centers, District Hospitals and Zonal Hosptals in six districts of the region.
This Institute is envisaged as one of the finest examples of Indo-Nepal Co-operation. The Health Ministers of the two countries signed the Indo-Nepal agreement for establishment of BPKIHS on the auspicious day of Mahashivaratri (March 10, 1994).
This University is aptly named after Bisheshwar Prasad Koirala, Nepal's visionary leader in social upliftment, firm believer of National Reconciliation and National Integration. Situated in Dharan in the hilly slopes sprawled over an area of about 700 acres, the University has a clean pollution free environment, and water supply and electricity supply round the clock. The Institute is fully committed to its social responsibility and accountability. Candidates from disadvantaged groups are given opportunities for admission in most of the academic programmes. While selecting candidates for post graduate studies, the Institute has given due recognition to those medical officers who have worked in the primary health centers and district hospitals. The Institute has adopted innovative approaches of community-based training of students and services to the local people through the concept of Teaching District. Under this concept students of various programmes visit and/or are posted in the health institutions under faculty supervision where on one hand they get opportunity to learn in the community set-up and on the other hand the local health institutions get qualified health work-force regularly to provide the quality services to the people. The Institute has given special attention for upliftment rural women from the marginalized communities of the teaching district. Social health insurance scheme is another example of its social responsibility under which local families are getting comprehensive health insurance from its teaching hospital
BPKIHS has a vision of a self-governing, self-reliant International Health Sciences University attracting students and teachers from all over the world to its constantly innovative educational programme. BPKIHS has also been envisioned by the Napali Parliament as a centre of national importance to produce skilled manpower in health sector to meet the country's need and also to function as a Centre of Excellence in the field of Tropical and Infectious Diseases.

The BPKIHS Teaching Hospital has 700 beds as well established major clinical and basic sciences departments. The Institute has a separate complex for College of Dental Surgery with state of the art equipment and modern technologies. The MBBS is recognized by Nepal Medical Council, Medical Council of India & Sri-Lanka Medical Council. It is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools published by the World Health Organization. The Post Graduate Programs consisting of MD/MS and M.Sc. were started in 1999 along with the BDS programme. The BDS programme is also recognized by the Nepal Medical Council. The duration of both BDS & MBBS is four & half years followed by a year of Compulsory Community Oriented Residential Rotatory internship which is mandatory to be completed in BPKIHS & its teaching districts. Certificate and B.Sc. Nursing Programmes of this Institute are well recognized & from 2008 M.Sc. Nursing programmes has also been started in our College of Nursing. Other courses in allied health sciences run by the Institute are B.Sc. MIT, B.Sc. MLT and B.Sc. OT & AS. The School of Public Health was established in 2005 and it is running a two-year MPH programme. This Institute, a center of excellence in patient care, teaching and research in the health sector is following an integrated model for holistic paradigm. It has now ten educational programmes from Certificate to Post Graduate levels. All MD/MS programmes are recognized by Nepal Medical Council (NMC). Some of these Post Graduate MD/MS courses (Dermatology, Paediatrics, Anaesthesiology, Orthopaedics, Surgery) have also been recognized by Medical Council of India (MCI).
The past decade and half has been the phase of birth, growth and expansion. We are looking now for the consolidation. In the ear of sub specialization we have the dreams to establish and provide specialized services, to the under privileged people of this part of the world, which at the moment is available only in Kathmandu. While acknowledging all involved individuals who have contributed to bringing out BPKIHS to this stage, we would like to reiterate that this institute reflects the shared benefits of existing together and growing together. Now the Institute is striving for excellence.

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